The Love Artist

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The Love Artist

Breitengraser – room for contemporary sculpture, Berlin

The Love Artist showcased three distinct groups of works: a series of manipulated photographs, a shelf of romantic novels and a rack of ’girlie’ beach towels with embroidered text.

Excerpt from press release:
Articulated around the theme of eroticism, The Love Artist presents itself as an installation in three complementary parts.

The main gallery features two bodies of found objects, one a set of ’girlie’ beach towels, the other a collection of Mills and Boon romantic novels, popular in the UK and Australia. Displayed on specially conceived structures, both groupings have been assembled to form autonomous sculptural objects. The two formally heterogenous categories of objects are linked by their use of aesthetic qualities current in popular imagery related to eroticism; both sets refer to ideas and representation of wanting and desire – rather than their counterpart in reality.

In the back gallery, a series of manipulated photographs of contemporary couples echoes the peculiar gusto of the towels. Each picture furthermore carries a specific title emulating the catchy style characteristic of dime novels the world over. Unlike the generic figures on the book covers, however, the couples seen here are not staged, but were instead caught in their private sphere, with only slight arrangements in pose and clothes. Similarly, the subsequent image manipulation is itself merely cosmetic, and only vaguely suggestive in its approximate use of banal style sheets. The images eventually appear less innocent than is evident at first glance, allowing for streaks of reality to break through the cracks of their apparently seemless kitschy surface.

The Love Artist
was reviewed in the following newspapers: Neuses Deutschland; Die Tageszeitung and Berliner Morgenpost.

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